5 Top Mixer Grinder in India (2021)

Here we have a list of the 5 best mixer grinders in India in 2021 and this article covers everything right from reviews and prices to the ultimate guide for buying the best mixer grinder that will make your life in the kitchen a lot more enjoyable. We know that finding the best mixer grinderContinue reading “5 Top Mixer Grinder in India (2021)”

Food mixer Repairing in Simple Steps

Food mixers can be found in nearly every kitchen. They blend ingredients to make cookies, cakes, muffins, breads, desserts, and other foods. Because of their versatility, they have become a favorite gift item for people setting up a new household. How Food Mixers Work Food mixers are motorized small appliances. That is, rather than heatingContinue reading “Food mixer Repairing in Simple Steps”

How To Make Juice In Mixer Grinder

Juices can be made both in a mixer grinder and in a juicer. If the pulp of the fruits or vegetables are not separated out from the resulting juice after blending in a mixer grinder, then it will be called a ‘Smoothie’. A smoothie means fruit or vegetables very finely ground in a blender toContinue reading “How To Make Juice In Mixer Grinder”

Wet Grinder vs. Mixer Grinder: Which to choose?

Both wet grinders and mixer grinders are a famous choice of Indian Kitchens. The mixer grinder has become quite important for every kitchen while some people get confused between wet and mixer grinders. What is the actual difference between wet grinder and mixer grinder? There isn’t too much difference between these two appliances. Mixer grinderContinue reading “Wet Grinder vs. Mixer Grinder: Which to choose?”

Mixer, Juicer, Food Processor- what’s the difference

Cooking is an art! Most importantly, it is the need of every human being. However, with passing time it has become a great way in which people connect with one another. Science and technology both have advanced and we must say it has also entered the culinary world. There are several brands which manufacture usingContinue reading “Mixer, Juicer, Food Processor- what’s the difference”

Juicer Mixer Grinder As A Cooking Aid Of Kitchen

You turn on any cooking show on you television and the appliance that is a must is a juicer grinder mixer machine. This versatile piece of equipment is a gem as it on its’ own can make your cooking experience a more pleasant one. It is ridiculously easy to order one. Just go to an applianceContinue reading “Juicer Mixer Grinder As A Cooking Aid Of Kitchen”

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