Different Juicers Buying Guide

Orange juice may have been a mainstay in many households growing up, but in recent years the popularity of juicing has introduced a much wider variety of healthy and tasty juice types into the homes of the health conscious.

Many consumers can now get a hold of fresh juices from local juice bars or high-end grocery stores, but for committed juice enthusiasts (or those living too far from juice bars for convenience), owning your own juicer can make those tasty drinks a part of everyday life.

Why Juicing is So Popular

  • Juicing gives those who don’t get enough fruits and vegetables in their regular diet an alternative opportunity to do so.
  • Juicing often encourages people to bring different fruits and vegetables into their diet than the ones they tend to cook with.
  • Juicing can be a good way to use produce that might otherwise go bad before you get around to using it – a big benefit for those concerned about food waste.
  • Fresh juice is delicious.

If you’re considering joining the many people who have started juicing at home, our buyer’s guide can help you identify the best juicer for you.

The 4 Main Types of Juicers

The first choice for you to make is which of the four main types of juicers on the market to consider.

1. Citrus Juicer

Any of the juicers on our list can be used for juicing citrus fruits, but if that’s the main type of juice you intend to make, you have some especially economical options available to you. You’ll sometimes see this type of juicer listed as an “OJ juicer” or a “citrus press,” and there’s actually a pretty wide range of models available just devoted to juicing citrus.

You can stick with a simple, manual citrus juicer that costs as little, or find more expensive electronic versions with built-in containers for capturing the juice and different sizes of juicing cones for the different types of citrus fruits. Citrus juicers are usually best for people who aren’t too interested in branching into juicing other types of fruits and vegetables and who aren’t looking to juice large quantities of fruit at once.


  • Easy to use.
  • There are many affordable models available.
  • Easier to clean than other types of juicers.
  • Small & portable, so they take up little counter space and can be easily stored.

To Keep in Mind:

  • Only good for juicing citrus.
  • Not practical for juicing large quantities.

2. Centrifugal Juicers

Often called juice extractors, these are some of the most popular models on the market. Centrifugal juicers use sharp, fast moving blades to chop up your fruits and vegetables and mesh filters to separate out the pulp from the liquid. If you’re looking for a more full-service juicer than the citrus models, these will tend to be your most affordable options.

Juicing with these is fairly quick and easy and most types of fruits and vegetables that you’d want to juice will work in them. They aren’t quite as good for juicing herbs, wheatgrass and leafy greens as other models. And many of the nutrients from fruits and vegetables end up in the pulp that gets separated out, so you won’t get as much nutritional benefit from the juice as with some other types of juicers.


  • Fast and easy to use.
  • Many affordable options available.
  • You can juice most fruits and vegetables with it.
  • This type of juicer allows you to continuously add fruits and veggies.

To Keep in Mind:

  • Some vegetables don’t juice well — specifically leafy greens, herbs, and wheatgrass.
  • Produces less juice for the amount of fruits and vegetables you put in than cold press models.
  • Juice has less nutrients because of heat used in the juicing process and the separation of pulp.
  • Takes more effort and time to clean.
  • Units tend to be larger, thus taking up more counter space and harder to store.
  • Some models may be loud.

3. Cold Press Juicers / Masticating Juicers

Cold press juicers go by many names – masticating juicers, slow juicers, or single-gear juicers, to name a few. They have a higher price point than citrus juicers and juice extractors, but provide better results in terms of nutrients maintained and the amount of juice produced.

These juicers work by crushing the fruits and vegetables in order to squeeze out the juice. They work slower than centrifugal models, but are better at juicing a wider variety of vegetables and produce juice that stays fresh longer. They can even be used for some foods beyond fruits and vegetables, like turning nuts into nut butters or making baby food.

The general consensus amongst devoted juicers seems to be that cold press juicers are far superior to juice extractors, but they are higher end and tend to require a more significant time and monetary commitment. For the daily juicers, they may be a good choice. For those interested in a couple of cup’s worth of juice now and then, the investment may not pay off.


  • Juice tends to stay fresher for longer.
  • More nutrients retained in your juice.
  • A high yield of juice for the amount of fruits and vegetables you put in.
  • Models tend to be quieter than other types of juicers.
  • Works with fruits and vegetables that juice extractors have a hard time with, like leafy greens, herbs, and wheatgrass.

To Keep in Mind:

  • Juicing takes longer.
  • These models are typically more expensive.
  • Cleaning the appliance is more difficult and time-consuming.
  • Units tend to be larger, taking up more counter space and harder to store.

4. Twin-Gear Juicers

If cold press juicers are for the dedicated juicer, twin-gear juicers are for the “juicing enthusiast” with especially high-end tastes. This type of juicer – often called triturating juicers, or dual-gear juicers – cost more than masticating juicers do, but produce juice with even higher levels of nutrients. They press the fruits and vegetables between two interlocking gears (hence the name), at a slower pace than cold press juicers do so that they extract more nutrient-rich juice from the produce.

Most people interested in juicing won’t find the higher cost worth it, but for the most serious of health enthusiasts with some money to spend, these juicers are at the top of the pack.


  • Juice stays fresh for longer.
  • Units tend to be pretty quiet.
  • Juice is especially nutrient-rich.
  • Produces a high yield of juice for the amount of fruits and vegetables.
  • This type of juicer works with a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.
  • Can be used for some other uses, such as making pasta or bread.

To Keep in Mind:

  • These can be very expensive.
  • May be more difficult to clean.
  • Slower than other types of juicers.
  • Large and heavy. Takes up lots of counter space and harder to store when not in use.
  • Not great for juicing citrus – it’s too powerful for the soft fruit.


I hope this guide helps you in choosing the right type of juicer machine for you according to your want budget and situation. If you have any question related to this do mention in the comment section.

Top Five Best Manual Juicers For 2020

With a new year comes a new set of resolutions, including the resolution to eat healthier and lose weight. It’s not enough to just eat less food, as you also need to ensure your body is getting the proper vitamins and nutrients your body craves. A juicer will allow you to get micronutrients from your fruits and vegetables that you can’t get from cooking them. If you’re looking to get the maximum amount of vitamins and nutrients from your food, then you need a manual juicer.


A manual juicer is a device powered by your own muscle that provides significantly more nutrients than an electric juicer. Instead of electricity, manual juicers typically use a crank or lever that requires physical exertion to move. Because there is no electric motor, a manual juicer is a silent device that you can use in the dead of night without waking up your family. Manual juicers are easy to travel with, ensuring that you continue to drink healthy while on vacation. Because they forego electricity, manual juicers are also significantly cheaper than electric juicers. Lastly, manual juicers are much easier to clean as there are less moving parts.


While a manual juicer is the best way to ensure you’re getting the maximum amount of nutrients, the device does have some drawbacks. Some manual juicers struggle with vegetables with hard outer shells, and even vegetables with softer shells will still require a herculean amount of strength to process. It also takes almost five times the amount of time to make juice when using a manual juicer over an electric one.


If you’re ready to dive into the world of fresh juice, then you’ll need a manual juicer of your very own. While there are hundreds to choose from, we’ve compiled ten of the best juicers on the market today. Each of these manual juicers will provide you with a delicious glass of juice that is full of nutrients and vitamins.


With a little bit of muscle on your end, the Lexen GP27 Original Healthy Juicer can strain nearly any fruit or vegetable, even ones that you can’t typically juice when using a manual juicer. You can turn everything from kale and spinach to wheatgrass and collard greens into a refreshing juice with the Lexen GP27 Original Healthy Juicer. The Lexen GP27 Original Healthy Juicer is easy to use, making it ideal for a novice. Just put the fruits and vegetables in, turn the crank and you’ll experience delicious juice in only a few minutes. The Lexen GP27 Original Healthy Juicer also takes only 30 seconds to clean up once you become familiar with the inner workings of the device. The Lexen GP27 Original Healthy Juicer includes both a suction base and a table clamp so you can attach the juicer to nearly any surface.


One of the best drinks in the world is a fresh glass of citrus juice, such as orange juice or lemonade. If you’re looking for a manual juicer to make primarily citrus drinks, then you’ll love the E4U Fresh Citrus Juicer. The E4U Fresh Citrus Juicer is a handheld juicer that gives you the power of a large commercial juicer right in the palm of your hand. The die-cast aluminum body gives you all the strength of a stainless steel frame but with half the weight, which makes the E4U Fresh Citrus Juicer a perfect travel companion. The design of the E4U Fresh Citrus Juicer allows you to extract just the juice without any rind, seeds or pulp infiltrating your glass.



If you’re looking for a citrus juicer with a bit more stability, then you’ll want to try the Switol Pro Juice Press Extractor. The Switol Pro Juice Press Extractor features a thick steel base that ensures it won’t slide around on your counter while you try to make juice. The long handle gives you extra stability, allowing you to squeeze out every last drop of juice from any pomegranate, grapefruit or lemon. The pulp is left in the strainer, leaving you with a delicious glass of citrus juice that goes down smooth.


The Chef’s Star Manual Hand Crank Single Auger Juicer is a manual juicer that gets you a cup of delicious juice in just one simple step. This manual juicer uses a strong suction base that allows you to attach it to any surface. The suction base leaves no lasting residue or damage, making this juicer safe to use on even vintage furniture. All of the parts in this juicer are detachable, making it easy and quick to clean up. The design of the Chef’s Star Manual Hand Crank Single Auger Juicer ensures that you’re getting the maximum amount of juice from your fruits and vegetables, and the built-in strainer will separate the juice from the pulp.



While other citrus juicers use plastic or aluminum, the OVOS Citrus Juicer uses 100 percent stainless steel. In fact, OVOS claims that this juicer is unbreakable and will not rust or bend. The OVOS Citrus Juicer can fill an entire glass with juice in under a minute thanks to the long handle which lets you get a tighter squeeze. The large size of the OVOS Citrus Juicer will ensure that even the biggest lemon or orange can fit into the juicer with no issues. The ergonomic design of the OVOS Citrus Juicer will keep your hand and wrist feeling great no matter how many cups of juice you need to make.


So these are the top manual juicers according to their features for those who wants a healthy life but don’t have enough budget to invest in a expensive juicer. If you have some questions do mention it in the comment section.

Best Cold Press Juicers In India 2020

If you are among those with a gym membership or someone who is trying to lose weight at home, it is probably hard to think of a day without healthy juices. Fitness freaks include juices in their diet and the reason is obvious. Juices, whether vegetable or fruit, are loaded with antioxidants, nutrients, and vitamins which is an instant immunity booster. It is believed that home-made juices are the best suited for consumption and cold-pressed juicers are a top priority for most of the people. This detailed buyers guide will enlighten you about the best cold press juicer in India.

While all this sounds too convincing to purchase a juicer still an image instantly flashes of dust covered small appliance sitting idle in your kitchen. Yes this actually happens, and the reason is quite obvious, the juicer fails to impress you to use it. This guide will make sure that you use juicer regularly and that too with ease.

Now, the question remains why one should bother to purchase a cold press juicer when a plethora of tetra packed juices are available in the market? In fact, studies have proved that tetra packed juices are unhealthy and cannot provide you with many benefits.

Best Cold Press Juicer in India

1. Kuvings Professional Cold Press Whole Slow Juicer

Slow Cold Press Juicer

This sturdy, smart yet stylish juicer is the best fit for your daily juicing requirements. Hold your breath as this juicer is capable of even extracting juices from the nuts such as almonds.

The sleek design adds to the beauty of your kitchen; it comes with the added advantage of making smoothies and ice creams (as a separate buy). And guess what, it is perfectly convenient as the feeding tube can take up a whole apple or pear in it. It is elegant enough to be able to control noise levels; it operates silently without disturbing others in the house.

Kuvings didn’t overlook the safety features; it comes with a safety lock at the lid and drum and will only start operating after ensuring the lock is intact.

The assembly is detachable easily for providing a convenient washing and cleaning experience. The smart tap is yet another attractive feature which lets you experiment mixing juices of two or more different items. The package comes with juicer bowl, lid, auger, and juice strainer coupled with the juice and pulp jars.

Coming to the quality of the juice, this juicer impressed the customers by extracting tasty juices and maintaining the nutritional value, hand in hand. The power consumption is 240W which restricts the juice to get oxidized and thus, maintaining the nutritional value. The froth ratio in the extracted juice is comparatively less and the seeds get filtered out while juicing out the fruits. Overall, this juicer has set standards in the Indian market among the best cold press juicers in India.


  • Wide feeding tube which cuts down on the effort of chopping fruits, vegetables, etc.
  • Easy cleaning with the help of the cleaning tool.
  • Warranty of 10 years
  • Safety lock system
  • Slow masticating extraction extends the life and originality of the juice.
  • Made up of BPA free plastic


  • Doesn’t have a pulp controller
  • Pulp is moist
  • Comparatively high on price

2. Hestia Nutri-Max Cold Press Juicer

Slow Cold Press Juicer

Those who are looking for the best cold press juicer in India, Hestia Nutri Max will surely impress them with its features and stunning wine red color. Hestia, as the name goes is the true goddess of your kitchen. Hestia, in Greek mythology signified goddess of home and domesticity.

For all those who are switching from centrifugal juicers to cold press juicer and are skeptical about the choice, this is among the best option to fit in your budget. In contrast to its competitors like Phillips, etc. Hestia specializes in small kitchen appliances only, and is focused to cater to the best product in the same.

The extracted juices are thick enough and lack any possibility of the presence of air bubbles in it, thus, preventing it from further oxidizing.

It comes with three attractive strainers- for fresh juices, smoothies, and gelatos. You will not be disappointed with the amount of juice extracted and that’s almost similar to the quantity of the fruit or veggie that you wish to extract.

An interesting feature of this juicer is the preloaded software programs that let you choose from the options which are best suitable for you. So, for all those who are bit confused and have newly begun to try their hands at cold press juicers, worry not, as this feature will lessen your burden on the same.


  • It comes with a wide chute that can allow you to enter a complete fruit, say apple or orange.
  • It is comparatively budget friendly and provides all features in the price.
  • The product is made up of spacecraft plastic which keeps the shelf life of the juices.
  • Good volume of extracted juices.


  • Cleaning process can be troublesome as the pulp doesn’t come out easily.

3. Bosch Lifestyle MESM731M Cold Press Slow Juicer

Slow Cold Press Juicer

Check Best Price

If you are amongst those who love to experiment with the pulp level in your juices then this is the perfect match for you. Yes, Bosh Lifestyle juicer has an attractive feature of controlling the pulp level in the juices with the affordable price offered. It is loaded with gentle squeezing technology and crushes almost anything that you put in it. This brand is known for quality home appliances products and has proven to be true to its name.

To perform efficiently, the juicer is loaded with a robust 15 W motor with an operating speed of 65rpm. The noise level is low, exactly like the other competitors in the market and extracts even the toughest nuts available in the kitchen. Bosh gives a warranty of 2 years on this product and the package includes slow juicer body, container, and brush.

The appliance is convenient enough as the user doesn’t need to de-seed the fruits or chop them finely. The customer has an added advantage of mix controller to control the level of pulp, as mentioned earlier. The unit has 3 filters; coarse, fine, and sorbet for the various juicing needs of the user.

Do not hesitate to experiment with the juicer as it is can perfectly manage a wide range of recipies including juices, smoothies, and sorbets.


  • Gentle squeezing technology
  • Three different filters for juices, smoothies, and sorbets
  • The powerful 150W motor
  • Unique mix control for deciding pulp level
  • Rubber rotation for self-cleaning


  • Cleaning is a little difficult
  • The product is a bit on the pricey side

4. Panasonic MJ-L500 Cold Press Slow Juicer

Slow Cold Press Juicer

If you have planned to purchase a cold press juicer, this sleek little juicer will surely grab your attention with the compact design that it offers at the most affordable price. Yes, Panasonic can undoubtedly be counted on as one of the best cold press juicer in India.

The appliance is super easy and user friendly in terms of assembling and disassembling The best part about this juicer is the size it comes in; you can even fit the whole juicer within the space of a jug.

This small appliance has mastered in extracting foamless juices but restricts you to enter whole fruits in the feeding tube. Though, it can be ignored considering the price that Panasonic is offering the product for. It brilliantly turns out the frozen fruits and hard vegetables in smooth delicious juices in just a few seconds.

It extracts a good amount of juices with most of the fruits but might also struggle with a few such as tomatoes. The electric juicer machine excels in performance when it comes to making frozen desserts as these can be silky smooth and maintain the exact taste of the fruit. The juicer is versatile enough to even make jams and sorbets with the attachments.

As per the power consumption is concerned, it uses 150 W of power for the motor to operate. The noise level is average and the screw rotates comparatively slow with a speed of 40-45 RPM which is actually good to make sure that the nutrients are intact in the juices. The design has a well built screw and strainer which are sturdy as they are made up of tough plastic.


  • Good amount of juices with less pulp
  • The versatile role of juicing fruits and making frozen desserts
  • Value for money
  • Sleek stylish design


  • Narrow feeding tube
  • Struggles to extract juices from a few vegetables and leaves

5. Kuvings Leather Finish Elite Whole Slow Juicer (EVO820)

Slow Cold Press Juicer

This 3-in-1 multitasking juicer can undoubtedly be counted as one of the finest and best slow juicers in India. With its revolutionary design and wonderful performance, Kuvings has won many hearts in the Indian market.

This variant entered the market in the year 2018 and it is perfectly capable of playing multiple roles of blending, juicing and making sorbets as well. Though the price offer is pretty high, Kuvings has done justice with its performance.

Kuvings is the first brand to introduce the revolutionary design of wide mouthed feeding tube and has kept the same in this model as well. With a wide feeding chute of about 80 mm and upgraded auger for even faster juicing has taken the juicing experience to a whole new level.

Similar to its other models, it is capable of taking up the whole fruit or vegetable and can smoothly extract juice from the trickiest items things like wheatgrass. The idle time has also reduced to a mere 10 minutes after continuous use for around 30 minutes.

The package includes juicing bowl & lid, auger, filter and it includes the additional attachments such as smoothie & ice-cream attachments. It requires 240W power for motor operation and 50 RPM for extracting the yummiest juices. The safety feature makes sure to operate only if the lid is locked and assembly is complete. This is a masterpiece amongst the best slow juicer in India.


  • Made up of food grade BPA plastic
  • Attachments such as ice cream and smoothie maker
  • Enables whole fruit loading
  • Improved efficiency auger for faster juicing experience
  • Multi-purpose to make juices, smoothies, and sorbets
  • Easy to clean, dishwasher friendly parts


Quite expensive

Warranty doesn’t include wear and tear of plastic parts.


I hope this information about different features of cold press juicer will help you in selecting a best juicer for yourself. If you have anything to ask do mention in the comment section.

Reasons to Have Juicer Mixer Grinder

Setting up a new home is no easy task. You have to pay attention to every single department and make sure you have all the requirements to have a happy and healthy household. In that process you definitely have to customise your kitchen; chances are you will go kitchen appliances online shopping. It is no doubt a comfortable as well as economic choice.

During your shopping expedition you are likely to buy a juicer. After all juicing is one of the top trends of today. Consumption of juices is known to reduce weight and increase your immunity power. Not only that, your system which is riddled with toxic components is also cleansed duly and thereby chances of cancer is reduced to a great extent. So nourishing your body with anti-oxidants extracted through juicers is the pathway to a healthier lifestyle.

A look at television screens might push you towards different kinds of juicers, for example: a cold press juice. In the middle of all this you might be having trouble deciding what kind of a juicer machine to get. In that case, we are here to help you out a bit.

The following are four reasons why you should get a regular juicer mixer grinder :

Because it is as fast as a cold press juicer

 A fast spinning metal blade separates the flesh of the fruit from the juice. The entire thing happens rather quickly and if you run a cold press juicer side by side it will take the same amount of time. So don’t be deluded by the idea that a regular juicer will take up more of your time.

Because it is easy on your pocket

Although it is such an efficient tool it does not end up burning a hole in your pocket. Prices, especially when paired with discounts can drop down to a level as less as Rs2500. This is ideal for young people who are yearning to save up. Going healthy shouldn’t cost you extra and the juicer ensures just that.

Because it is easily available

Visit any kitchen appliance store and you will surely find a juicer mixer grinder to be easily available. So you don’t even have to invest too much time in running after the perfect appliance.

Because it can also grind spices

In an Indian kitchen spices are an absolutely indispensible part. Whether you are cooking a curry or biriyani, you will need to blitz up a bunch of spices to make the dish a hit. This equipment can make it happen. So it is really multipurpose in this regard.

The only catch is that it is a little noisy. But a little bit of noise will only add to the happy energy of your home. So don’t hesitate to get one today!

Why You Should Invest In A Juicer

Nowadays, everywhere you go, you can find a smoothie or a juice bar popping up in every corner. In fact, as you go to the supermarket, you can find a whole aisle of pressed juices served by different brands. Although a bit pricey, freshly pressed juices are undeniably delicious, and not to mention, loaded with nutrients.

But have you ever considered crafting your own juice at home? A good juicer can help your whole family get a lot of the health benefits from fruits and veggies, all in one glass. Here are some reasons why you should purchase your own juicer.

A Juicer Keeps The Whole Family Healthy

According to Food Network, an adult should get at least 2 ½ cups of vegetables and 2 cups of fruits a day. One of the best parts about having your own electric juicer is being able to fulfill all the dietary requirements that your family needs, in just a short amount of time. Plus, there are different recipes that you can follow online, using all your family’s favorite fruits and vegetables.

Here are some of the health benefits of juicing:

Freshly-pressed juices can help you get higher doses of phytochemicals and micronutrients by mixing different veggies and fruits together.It can help facilitate the flushing of toxins and bacteria from the body.It can help you lose weight fasterIt can improve digestion through its healthy enzymes.It can boost your immune system through its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties.

Although juicing is healthy, some health researchers remind us that we shouldn’t use it as the sole source of fruits and vegetables. Adding multiple fruits to create a glass of juice can lead to a drink that is very high in sugar and calories, which could defeat the purpose of juicing. So, make sure to still give your family whole fruits and veggies as well.

It Helps You Train The Kids To Eat Healthy

Sometimes, it may be hard for us to train kids to appreciate eating fruits and veggies. One good way to start adding some greens and fiber to their diet is by juicing. If you’re serving juices to your children, remember to cap it at one glass per day. Although delicious, some juices can be high in sugar and the kids might start preferring it over water.

Create a balance between giving the kids juices and training them to eat whole vegetables. Not only will this lessen the sugar, it will also give them more nutrients. Doing this would also help them develop the taste for non-sweet veggies like spinach and kale.

It Allows You To Customize Drinks

Have you ever visited a juice bar and wished they serve your favorite fruits? With your own juicer, that’s not going to be a problem anymore. You can customize and create your own flavors, any time you want. Plus, buying your own ingredients would also ensure you that your juices only have the freshest fruits and veggies.

Here are some great juice pairings below:

Detoxifying Juice – Beets, Carrots, Apples, Pineapples, GingerJuice for an Immune System Boost – Oranges, Apples, Beets, Blueberries, StawberriesCucumber Juice – Cucumber, Lemon, Mint, ApplesVeggie Juice – Spinach, Cucumber, Celery, Pears, Green ApplesGinger Juice – Ginger, Carrots, Apples, PearsCarrot Juice – Carrots, Apples, Pears, Rosemary

It Is Budget-Friendly

Electric juicer machine help you save money from being a regular juice bar customer. Instead of consistently buying outside, you can save a few bucks by purchasing the ingredients and processing the juice yourself. Plus, there are juicers for any type of budget. You can find high-end and entry-level ones in the market, any time. These juicers usually vary according to their juicing capabilities and features.

It’s Time-Efficient

Not only will a electric juicer save you some money, it also saves you time from travelling all the way to your favorite juice bar, or the supermarket. Make your own fresh juices anytime, anywhere, as long as you have your ingredients ready.

Investing your own juicer would not just help your kids embrace eating fruits and veggies regular. It would also help you save a lot of money from being a juice bar regular. So, visit your local appliance store and purchase your own juicer now.

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying Stand Mixer

Do you have a stand mixer? If you don’t, it is probably on your standing wish list. Many people buy stand mixers this time of year (it is Christmas, after all!) so here are a few tips and questions for those of you picking out a stand mixer. Whether you’re buying the ubiquitous KitchenAid or another brand of stand mixer, run through these questions and tips as you go about your mixer shopping.

Stand Mixer

Questions to Ask Before Buying Stand Mixer

1. Do I need to buy a stand mixer?

The first question you should ask yourself is whether you really need a stand mixer. Yes, they are gorgeous on the countertop, and they are very handy for certain kitchen tasks, but we have found that a good hand mixer is just as useful for nearly every kitchen task. If you don’t make bread, marshmallows, and a few other heavy-duty recipes, you don’t really have to have a stand mixer. But does a stand mixer make everything a little easier? Sure. And if you make a lot of bread, it’s very useful.

2. If I had a stand mixer, would I use it (on average) more than once a week?

This is an arbitrary standard, but I probably wouldn’t have bought my own stand mixer if I didn’t think I would use it about once a week, or frequently. If you are a yearly baker, you probably don’t need a stand mixer. Think over your baking and cooking habits, and try to imagine how often you will use the mixer. Is it worth the counter space if you will only use it once a month?

3. Do I have space for a stand mixer?

A good mixer is heavy and large. It’s difficult to move it around the kitchen, so unless you have a built-in appliance lift or appliance garage, you will need at least a square foot of space on your countertop.

4. Will I use my stand mixer for anything other than baking?

This is where your decision-making process may split amongst the different brands and models. If you really want to use your machine for pasta-making, for instance, the KitchenAid is an excellent choice, with its separate pasta press attachment. On the other hand, if your primary focus is bread, you might want to consider the Viking mixer, which is supposedly more powerful and better-suited to kneading bread.

5. How much can I afford to spend?

Once you have decided that you can afford the counter space, and that yes, a stand mixer is a good investment for your kitchen and your cooking style, it’s time to decide how much you are willing to spend. Stand mixers can be found for anywhere from about $100 to over $400. If you are into baking and plan on using your mixer for bread, do not even think about getting a lower-priced, lower-powered model. It is worth it to buy the heaviest, most powerful model that you can afford. But if you are just thinking of cookies, cakes, and other basic baking tasks, keep an eye out on Amazon for the occasional great deals that go through there this time of year.


So these all are the common questions that we answered that can be arise in anyone’s mind before go for kitchen aid stand mixer. I hope it will help my readers. If you have something to ask or say do mention it in the comment section.

5 reasons You Should Invest in Food Processor

When you think of must have appliances for your kitchen, a food processor is something that probably isn’t even on your radar.

After all, in most people’s minds, a food processor isn’t as high up on the necessity list as microwaves and coffee makers – but that is about to change. 

With a food processor, you’ll able to prepare a wide variety of foods quickly and efficiently.

No matter what you like to eat, you can probably make it in a food processor, and you can even enjoy the fun of trying out new recipes too.

Still not sold on the idea? 

Keep reading to learn about 5 reasons you should invest in a food processor.

Why Should Invest in Food Processor

Make Your Own Ice Cream

If you love ice cream (and who doesn’t), you can enjoy making your very own using your food processor. Whether you want to enjoy some classic flavors or create your own, the possibilities are endless.

Honestly, the fact that you can make ice cream with a food processor is reason alone to run to the nearest store and make that purchase. 

Eliminate Other Small Appliances

Nobody likes a cluttered kitchen counter, and the idea of adding yet another small appliance to your kitchen may make you feel a little claustrophobic. 

The good news is that if you decide to invest in a food processor, you can say goodbye to some of your blender, meat grinder, and more.

Easy Clean Up

Having to clean up huge messes is one of the biggest deterrents from cooking. After a long day, nobody wants to be scrubbing for hours.

Luckily, food processors can be easily and quickly cleaned after use which can seriously cut down on the amount of time you have to spend in the kitchen.

Easy Prep for Big Meals

Cooking for lots of people can be overwhelming – especially for holidays and other special occasions.

A electric food processor can come in very handy when you have to prep large quantities of food. Long gone are the days of stressing in the kitchen the night before an important meal. 

Tap into Your Creative Side

For people who love to cook, food can offer a fun and creative outlet. With a food processor you can make all sorts of things you may have never imagined.

From tips, to dough, to soups – you can make almost anything and you can have a great time experimenting with all sorts of ingredients.


I hope you love this article and after reading this most probably you love the food processor too. If you have something to add or something to ask do mention it in the comment section. So if you don’t have a food processor then buy food processor for getting these wonderful benefits.

Reasons You Need to Invest in a Better Blender

et you didn’t know that you can make hot, ready-made soup with a brand new blender, did you? We can guarantee your old blender can’t do that. Imagine what other opportunities are provided by a brand new addition to your kitchen.

From creating all of the frozen treats your heart desires to even mixing batter and dough in your new blender, by the end of this article, we can assure you will have 10 new reasons why a brand new blender should be in your shopping cart.

Here Are Reasons to Invest in Blender

Hot Soup Without a Stove

Make steaming-hot soup without a stove? Sign us up. First, on our list of the reasons why you need to invest in a better blender is that soup is now made easier and faster. The friction between the blades of a brand new blender will let you bring soup to serving temperature right in the container.

Say you’re craving a creamy broccoli soup; add your vegetables into the blender, allow the friction to heat up the contents, and simply blend the mixture together. Blend them until fine, and add them to a pot with broth if you don’t want it to be fully creamy. If you don’t mind some texture, you’ve got a ready-to-serve bowl. If you bring your blender with you to college, making soup with it is one of the ways to cook in a college dorm; only ingredients and an outlet are needed.

Frozen Treats in Seconds

When you think of a blender, you might think of just smoothies and juices, but you can also make a ton of frozen treats as well. As one of the best reasons to invest in a better blender, don’t be afraid to get creative with your snack opportunities.

For example, frozen desserts, “nice cream” (with frozen bananas, milk, and protein powder,) and of course, smoothies, are great possibilities to create in your blender. Pop your frozen ingredients in the blender, and you’ll have a ready-made treat in seconds.

Grind Nuts, Coffee, and More

To grind coffee with a blender, first decide how finely you want to grind your coffee beans. Then, pour your coffee beans into the blender and grind! It’s as simple as that. About a handful of beans will equal two tablespoons of ground coffee. Once you’ve completed your grind, pour the grounds into the filter of your coffee maker, and follow the normal method of brewing your coffee.

If you don’t have a food processor to grind your nuts, turn the machine on and off quickly a few times in order to get the nuts to your desired size. As a fast way to get the job done, you’ll love this method.

Mix Batters and Dough

Pancakes, waffles, cakes, cookies, breads, and muffins are in your future, all with the investment of a new countertop blender. Vitamix even has a list of recipes to make using their blender, one of their featured recipes being buttermilk pancakes.

As one of the best reasons why to invest in a better blender, all you’ll need to blend your pancakes is buttermilk, eggs, salt, sugar, flour, and baking soda. In no time, you’ll have buttery and fluffy pancakes on the table.

Silky Smooth Purées

Much like pancake batter recipes, Vitamix also has directions to great a delicious strawberry purée using their blender. The best thing about a strawberry puree is that it can be used as a topping, sauce, or layering for many desserts like cake or cheesecake.

Our mouths are already watering. Simply place one tablespoon of lemon juice, 1/2 cup of water, one pound of strawberries, and six tablespoons of granulated sugar into your Vitamix container and secure the lid light. Select Variable One, and turn on, increasing the speed to the highest speed gradually, and blend for one minute.

Homemade Baby Food

Next, on our list of the best reasons to invest in a better blender is that it can double as a baby food maker. To make raw baby food, the first step is to peel your fruit.

Once you’re done, add the fruit to your blender, and blend on a medium speed until it is free of chucks and completely smooth. Then, divide the puree into 2.5-ounce containers, which is the typical for baby food jars. You could even reuse some empty jars to store. Then, you’re ready to refrigerate. Each jar will last about three days.

Also, as a great way to mask a healthy puree for your kids, they’ll never guess that they’re getting their daily dose of fruits and vegetables in one serving with easy and delicious blender-made puree for children.

Cocktail Creation Made Easy

Blender cocktails are best served thinly blended into a frozen yet smooth drink that’ll satisfy your vacation cravings. Vitamix is one of the blenders that makes the best frozen drinks since it allows you to make these in minutes.

For example, create your own Pina Colada, even if you’re nowhere near a beach. Just be sure to balance your ratio of ice to liquids, starting out with equal parts ice and liquid, and adding a bit more ice to achieve a thicker consistency at the end of your cocktail making.

Make living a healthy lifestyle easier.

Though there is no secret to living a healthy lifestyle, a better blender can always help. We can admit that you can make a healthy smoothie with an old blender. However, due to the high powered motor in a top quality blender, you will be able to create a smoother texture, add less air and friction to your food, and produce an altogether better taste than your old blender.

As one of the best reasons to invest in a better blender, you can provide your body with nutrients in one easy creation. And, you’ll be more likely to do so with the improved taste and faster creation. Add some immunity boosting ingredients to your smoothie recipes to improve your overall health. Plus, you don’t always have to have a smoothie, a new blender will also provide you with healthy soups, juices, snacks, and full meals.

Easy to Clean

Our personal favorite reason why you need a new blender is the fact that it will clean itself. The lack of cleanup is reason alone to invest in a single-serve blender.

Due to its pre-settings, a Vitamix blender just needs to be filled with some soap water, turned onto its cleaning mode, and it will do the hard work on its own. In less than a minute, your blender will be cleaner than ever.

Sp, where do you start when you’re in the market for one? We’re sure you can already guess that the blender we’re going to suggest to you is the Vitamix, specifically the Professional Series 750 64 ounce blender.

When we say it’ll last you a lifetime, we mean it. Durable, sturdy, and high quality, this is the ultimate blender upgrade. Chop, grind, blend, puree, you name it, every aspect of your kitchen prep will now be simplified.

Best Mixer Grinder in India (October 2020)

When you are choosing a mixer grinder, there are a few things to keep in mind; like whether it is a standard mixer or a juicer mixer. Apart from that, the motor power, no of jars and their sizes, blade types, materials, and many other features need consideration. The price of the product is also an essential factor, the more the price the better the features and quality.

Now if you are in a dilemma about choosing the best model, considering your requirements and your wallet, then stop worrying. We have done all the hard work to research the mixer grinders in detail. From our findings, we have summarised a set of Best Mixer Grinder In Indiaconsidering all the above requirements and features.

Here we have summarised and made a table listing all the specifications and warranty for the Best mixer grinder in India 2020. You just need to look at it to get an overview of various brands and their corresponding features. The best mixer grinder usually comes with a great version of power, rotation, and grinding capacity for swift operations.

Let’s check Mixer Grinder in detail, along with the pros and cons:

1. Bajaj Rex Mixer Grinder; Best in Class and Technology

500 watt motor with 20000 rotations per minute.

3 nos of the jar with ABS body.

Multi-functional blade system.

Stylish look for elegant design.

When you talk about durability, class, design and the latest technology, the one brand name that comes into your mind is Bajaj. This brand is a trendsetter in the electronics industry and comes in the top rows when it comes to delivering top quality products.

The new Bajaj Rex Mixer Grinder is one of the best mixer grinders under 3000 that comes with great features and elegant looks. 

The product comes with a motor of 500w power. It allows you to grind your ingredients more quickly. With 20000 revolutions you can get a fine paste of your ingredients.

The model comes with three jars; one liquidising jar of 1.2L capacity, 1 chutney jar of 0.3l, and one multi-purpose jar of 0.8L. All jars have stainless steel body which makes them long-lasting and easy to clean. Additionally, they designed to prevent foul odour.

3-speed control makes mixing and grinding better as it gives more power to you. You can now increase or decrease speed without having a fear of overloading. It also bears an incher for momentary uses.

Being one of the best mixer grinders,this product comes with multi-function stainless steel blades which allow you to grind and blends your ingredients in various shape and sizes.

This product has an eye-catching look, and its body made of ABS plastic. It is rust-proof and is perfectly durable. The vacuum feet prevent it from slipping. 

This product has 1-year warranty on motor and 1-year warranty on the product.


  • Nice cutting and blending.
  • Elegant look.
  • Easy to operate.
  • Multi-use operations.
  • Long-lasting body structure.
  • Value for money.


  • Lacks lid-lock system.
  • Has the issue of burning smell.
  • Makes noise when in full swing.
  • Lacks the overload-protector.

2. Butterfly Smart Mixer Grinder; Best in Technology

750W power with 18500 RPM.

4 nos. of jars with a super durable body.

Automatic cut-off facility at overload.

Suitable for all grinding.

If you are looking for a mixer grinder with smart technology and super exclusive design, then Butterfly smart mixer grinder is your automatic choice. The Butterfly is a brand best known for its long-lasting, durable products, and elegant designs. However, if you want the latest technology under a pocket-friendly price with a sleek design, then this product will be the best for you.

With 750 W of power, this product can provide you with excellent grinding and mixing. The 18500 revolutions, you can get the finest grinding for even the solid and bit hard ingredients.

The model comes with a variety of jars with sizes 0.4L, 0.75L, and 1L. The jars are made of ABS body and are easy to clean and don’t contain odors.

The stainless steel blades designed to meet your chopping necessities. The razor-sharp rotator blades reduce your chopping time and grind solid products precisely.

Regulating your mixer is now easy. With its three-way regulating knob, you can control your chopping time and rotation to get a fine grinding.

The product has an added advantage of having an easy to use the pusher. This feature can provide you with more amount of juice. Thus, it can ensure you a zero wastage of juice.

The product is suitable for wet grinding, dry grinding, chutney grinding, grating, blending, and mincing. You can use this product in multi-purpose use. The transparent lid enables you to see the exact situation of the ingredients and control the regulations.

The model comes with an automatic overload cut-off facility. This centrifugal-type juicer can cut-off the power supply when overloaded and thus enhances its durability.

Vacuum rubber shoes give this product a firm grip, and the LED light indicates power on the mode of the appliance. 

This product has 2-year warranty on motor and 2-years overall warranty on the product.


  • Stunning look.
  • Overload cut-off facility.
  • Firm grip.
  • Transparent lid.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Value for money.


  • Lacks jar lock facility.
  • Slightly burning smell when it starts.
  • Has Problems with mixer knob durability.
  • Got issues with grinding.

3. Preethi Zodiac MG 218 Mixer Grinder; Best in Durability

Graceful design with elegant colour.

3 in 1 Insta juicer.

Powerful vega W5 750W motor.

18000 RPM.

Overheat indicator.

Preethi is the no one mixer-grinder brand as per Francis Kanoi. So, you can trust the brand blindly. Providing efficient products with durable body structure and modern technology is what makes the brand deserving for this title.

The all-new model Preethi Zodiac MG 218 Mixer Grinder is the product everyone wishes. This product proves to be a modern helping hand in the kitchen in busy office time.

The 750watt Vega W5 motor makes this product super fast. It can grind turmeric in just 2 minutes.

The product comes with a master chef jar. The jar is capable of atta kneading in 1 minute, citrus press, chopping in just two pulses, mixing, blending, and grinding. It’s just the perfect solution in your all-day busy schedule problem.

There are a total of 5 jars for your different types of usage. They made of ABS plastic, and the cord is PVC insulated. It makes your product durable and long-lasting. Also, Non-slip feet provide a steady operation of the appliance.

 3-in-1 instant fresh fruit juice jar allows you to get instant juice via centrifugal juicing. It also extracts coconut and tamarind perfectly.

The stainless steel blades engineered such that it can provide you with smooth operation.

The product comes with a safety indicator. It alarms you about the overloading problem. In case of any overload, the indicator turns Red indicating the tripping of the motor. 

This product comes with a 5-year warranty on the motor and a 2-year warranty on the rest of the product.


  • Super-sleek design.
  • Multi-purpose use.
  • High power motor.
  • Led Indicator.
  • Super speedy cutting.
  • Value for money.


  • Doesn’t have a safety lock feature.
  • Has a problem with motor overheat.
  • Has issues with body material.
  • Problems developed regarding the workability of kneading jar.  

4. Bosch TrueMixx Pro 1000-Watt Mixer Grinder; Best in Power

1000W High powered motor.

2400 RPM Motor.

Blunt blades for robust pounding technology.

Hands-free operation with lid locks.

Overheat protection features.

India is the land of spices. So, what can be perfect than an India-originated product to understand the requirement for accurate mixing and grinding of spices? 

Well, Bosch is an Indian brand and providing excellent products for years. The brand is amongst the top rows due to its product with smart and advanced technology. The product Bosch TrueMixx Pro 1000-Watt Mixer Grinder is a model that is eye-catching and has a decent craze among the consumers. 

1000 watt motor provides extra speed. It can operate swiftly and can chop your ingredients precisely in a few minutes.

You can now get the Indian taste of spices with this product. The model comes with blunt-edged blades. That is perfect for a replicate pounding with this technology, Spices grinds precisely and in a smooth manner to provide you with a better and delicious taste.

Its high-quality stainless steel blades are capable of wet- grinding, dry grinding, and chutney making with ease. You can use it in all aspects as cable management provides you with easy operation.

The product comes with high-grade stainless steel jars of 4 nos. These jars are durable and long-lasting also, its ergonomic design makes it easy to clean and keeps it free from odor. Also, its specially designed handle provides you with excellent grips.

This model features a complete lid-locked operation. This allows you to grind smoothly without engaging your hand. There is no chance of spilling of spices.

Thirty minutes of using time consist of 6 cycles of 5-min ON and 2-min OFF. The concealed bush allows you to contamination-free mixing. Specially designed knobs will enable you to control your speed more quickly.

The product comes with a 2-year warranty and an overload protection feature that ensures longevity.


  • Hands-free operations.
  • Lid lock technology.
  • Overload protector.
  • Rapid pounding technology.
  • Elegant looks.
  • Easy operations.


  • A bit noisy.
  • Has motor overheat problems.
  • Problems on lid grip.
  • Issues on jar breaking.

5. Philips HL7756/00 Mixer Grinder; Best in Brand

750W powered motor.

Specialised blades for most challenging operations.

3-speed control.

Stunning and elegant design.

If you are a shake lover of all times, here is the best mixer grinder for shakes.

Phillips is undoubtedly one of the most trusted brands in the Electronics Industry. If you want to buy a product and enjoy everything best in all aspect, you can opt for Philips without any second thought on mind. The long-lasting products with the latest technology are what made this brand the most recognisable. 

The all-new Philips HL7756/00 Mixer Grinder is a model that can be handy for you in the busy times and can add a charm to your kitchen simultaneously.

Now you can get your ingredients sliced and ground in minutes with the 750W powerful motor. This is handy for grinding the toughest ingredients like black dal. It allows you to operate it up to 25 minutes.

The product features an advanced air ventilation system that provides a rapid cooling to the model. Thus it assures the longevity of the motor.

The coupler is made of more rigid plastic to ensure a perfect joint between the jars and the body. That’s why it has a lesser chance of breaking or dismantling.

The high stainless steel jars designed for the grinding of batters and pastes in the same place. There are three nos of Jars with sizes from 1.5 L and 1L. The chutney jar is 0.3L. All jars are made of stainless steel. The specially designed rubber gaskets make Jars leakproof. So, there is no chance of spilling ingredients.

The specialised stainless steel blades cut the smallest ingredients and provide you with the finest of paste. The daily chutneys and masalas are now easy to make.

The product comes with Overheat protector, which automatically cuts off the power supply in case of overloads.

3-Sped control; with pulse makes it easy to control the speed as per your requirement. It allows you to prepare a perfect mix.

The product has 5-year warranty on the motor and 2-year warranty of products.


  • Elegant looks.
  • Superfast motor operation.
  • Long-lasting body.
  • Ease of control.
  • Overload protector.
  • Value for money.


  • Loud noise issues.
  • Lacks lid locks system.
  • Has motor overheat issues.
  • The bottom is unstable in a few conditions.


A mixer grinder helps a lot to get you a perfect taste by offering a smooth grinding of any ingredients. This is why you need to select the best one that suits your budget, yet provides the most specs as well as fewer cons. 

I hope I have provided you all the necessary information that is required you to pick the best mixer grinder. If you still face any problem, please reach us through the comments, I will love to help you.

5 Reasons You Should Invest In A Food Processor

When you think of must have appliances for your kitchen, a food processor is something that probably isn’t even on your radar.

After all, in most people’s minds, a food processor isn’t as high up on the necessity list as microwaves and coffee makers – but that is about to change. 

With a food processor, you’ll able to prepare a wide variety of foods quickly and efficiently. 

No matter what you like to eat, you can probably make it in a food processor, and you can even enjoy the fun of trying out new recipes too.

Still not sold on the idea? 

Keep reading to learn about 5 reasons you should invest in a food processor.

food processor

Why You Should Invest in Food Processor

Make Your Own Ice Cream

If you love ice cream (and who doesn’t), you can enjoy making your very own using your food processor. Whether you want to enjoy some classic flavors or create your own, the possibilities are endless.

Honestly, the fact that you can make ice cream with a food processor is reason alone to run to the nearest store and make that purchase. 

Eliminate Other Small Appliances

Nobody likes a cluttered kitchen counter, and the idea of adding yet another small appliance to your kitchen may make you feel a little claustrophobic. 

The good news is that if you decide to invest in a good food processor, you can say goodbye to some of your blender, meat grinder, and more.

Easy Clean Up

Having to clean up huge messes is one of the biggest deterrents from cooking. After a long day, nobody wants to be scrubbing for hours.

Luckily, food processors can be easily and quickly cleaned after use which can seriously cut down on the amount of time you have to spend in the kitchen.

Easy Prep for Big Meals

Cooking for lots of people can be overwhelming – especially for holidays and other special occasions.

A food processor can come in very handy when you have to prep large quantities of food. Long gone are the days of stressing in the kitchen the night before an important meal. 

Tap into Your Creative Side

For people who love to cook, food can offer a fun and creative outlet. With a electric food processor you can make all sorts of things you may have never imagined.

From tips, to dough, to soups – you can make almost anything and you can have a great time experimenting with all sorts of ingredients.

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